Welcome Home!

We’re a biblical community for students to know life and freedom in Christ. Through worship, bible studies, small groups, and fellowship we make space for students to grow deeper in their relationships with God and each other. This is a place where a student can belong and call home.

We hope to see you this week!

Weekly Schedule

Sunday Mornings

Student Bible Studies | 9:15 am

Middle School | “The Take” | Room C238

High School | “Area 51” | Room C250

All students are encouraged to attend the 10:45 Worship Service in the Worship Center.

Wednesday Nights

Refuge | 6pm to 8pm | Student Room

All students come together for food, games, and fellowship before our student worship service. Afterwards, students beak out into grade based small groups to discuss what was taught during the service and how it applies to their lives.

Upcoming Events

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