GS Kids believes church should be a fun, learning experience… and never boring! We have age-appropriate worship and teaching that keeps children inspired and engaged. Our children are surrounded by leaders and teams that love and care for them. Everything we do is devoted to children having fun, growing, and learning to know and follow Jesus!
+ 9:15 2 year olds drop off and pickup at classrooms. 3 & 4 year olds & bridge Worship - drop off in the lodge and pick up at classrooms.
+ 10:45 2 year olds drop off and pickup at classrooms. 3 & 4 year olds & bridge Sunday School - drop and pick up at classrooms.
+ Child check-in at kiosk or on ShelbyNext App
+ 9:15 Worship for Kinder - 3rd grade in the Theater & Sunday School for 4th and 5th grade
+ 10:45 Worship for 4th and 5th Graders & Sunday School School for Kinder - 3rd grade
+ Child check-in at kiosk or ShelbyNext App
Journey is the Wednesday night Bible study for our 4th & 5th graders. They meet at 6 pm in the gym for pizza and games, then break into groups for Bible study. There’s food, friends, fellowship, and fun!